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About the artist

Apeliotus is my online alias across multiple platforms, including Tumblr, Instagram, and Deviant Art; as well as my PSN, and Steam.  I graduated from the Art Institute of Minneapolis in 2010 with a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design and am a Freelance Artist and Designer in my freetime.


I am a product of the 80s, grew up with an interest in media which carries out in my daily life.  I have a love for retro culture, mostly revolving around the 1980s-1990s time period.  I am particularly passionate of animation and electronics.


At two years old I already acquired my love of art and when I was five already decided I wanted to someday be a professional artist.  I also found myself also drawn to the entertainment world and got into cartoons and video games.  Early on I became interested in games such as TMNT, Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. In my adolescence I later found myself becoming more interested in anime, particularly anime dating from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Pokemon was a huge part of my childhood.


When I was in college I originally started school for animation, but was unaware that the courses primarily focused on 3D animation, when I was more interested in getting into 2D Flash. 


Now days I work in Tech Support and as a freelance artist on the side.  Someday I hope to make my art a more prominent part of my life but for now I just do what I can to get by.

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